To: All Students of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce
As previously communicated in my notice dated 28th June 2024, the academic activities for Semester II, which commenced on 1st July 2024, will continue via online real-time lectures until further notice. Relevant Zoom links and lecture materials will be uploaded on the LMS, with subject coordinators and lecturers providing further instructions accordingly.
Once the trade union action concludes, the faculty aims to resume physical lectures at the earliest opportunity and Semester I examinations will be conducted during Semester II. A one-week refresher session, followed by one week of study leave, will precede the exams. You will be notified of these arrangements in advance through the LMS. Please ensure you regularly check the LMS for timely updates.
I deeply appreciate your commitment and perseverance during this period and emphasize the importance of your active participation in these academic activities for your continued success.
Thank you.
Dean Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce University of Sri Jayewardenepura 07.07.2024