1. General instructions to students
Before arriving at the University for examinations all students should provide requested details on their risk level through a Google form emailed to them (i.e. details on respiratory symptoms, contact history, quarantine history etc.). This will be considered as a prerequisite for the examination.
Students should always wash hands when entering the Faculty premises and buildings (at least for 20 seconds following the correct steps of hand washing).
Students should wash hands/ use alcohol hand rub frequently and after touching high touched surfaces.
Social distancing of a minimum 1-2 meters should be maintained in all common areas.
Students should wear masks at common areas of the Faculty premises. If it is re-used after removal for having meals etc. should be stored properly in a clean container. Disposal of used masks should be done into a polythene bag placed in a paddle operated waste bin.
Students should maintain respiratory hygiene at all times.
Students should refrain from touching the face with hands.
It is recommended for students to have their own hand sanitizer with them at all times.
2. Guidelines to be followed during the examination Students should check their temperature every morning before leaving the hostel room/ home if possible. If having fever and/or respiratory symptoms and/or any other COVID 19 related symptoms, immediately inform the examination supervisor/invigilator or the pre
designated physician. Temperature will be checked when entering the university every morning and before entering the examination hall. Students should wash hands when entering the university and before entering the examination hall. All personal belongings should be kept only at the designated area and will not be allowed inside the examination hall. Avoid overcrowding when collected by candidates after the examination.
Students should wear a face mask during the examination. Always keep the minimum distance of 1m between individuals. Students should bring their own stationary (pens, pencils, erasers, etc.). Sharing of stationery will not be allowed. Minimum of 1m distance should be maintained between two work stations inside the examination halls. Students should avoid touching frequently touched surfaces (hand railings, door knobs, others’ desks/ chairs etc.). Students are allowed to use rooms and washrooms in the designated areas only. Students should bring their own water bottle.
2.1 If a student develops respiratory symptoms and/or fever and/or other COVID 19 related symptoms during the examination Inform the supervisor/invigilator or the pre designated physician immediately. If the student does not require hospitalization and is fit to sit the examination, pre
designated isolated examination rooms will be used to conduct the examination for the particular student/students.
The student/s with symptoms will be supplied with surgical face masks to be worn at all times and stringent hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette to be maintained.
Written and viva voce examinations will be conducted in these rooms while maintaining minimum 2m physical distancing.
For the practical examinations, the student/s with symptoms will be taken at the end as the last candidate/s.
2.2 Guidelines on use of dining/common areas in the university premises
Hand washing/ cleaning facilities with liquid soap and water and alcohol hand rub will be provided inside and close to dining areas.
Students must maintain social distancing of minimum 1m in the dining and all other common areas.
o Bringing food from home is encouraged for those who are travelling from home. Buying food from outside sources is strongly discouraged.
o Only packed meals will be provided in the university canteens. If a student does not wish to take packs, he/she should bring their own food container/plate to obtain meals.
o Only a single serving of food will be given and no second servings will be served.
o Tea will be served only in the student’s own cup.
Sharing of meals (eating from the same plate/pack) among several students is strictly prohibited.
o Students should refrain from sharing eating utensils, cups, water bottles etc.
3. Guidelines for Hostels
3.1 General instructions
Hand washing/ hygiene stations should be available at the entrances of each hostel building.
Students should always wash hands before entering the hostel buildings (at least for 20 seconds following the correct steps of hand washing).
Students should wash hands/ use alcohol hand rub frequently and after touching high touched surfaces within the hostels.
Social distancing of a minimum 1-2 meters should be maintained in common areas.
Students should wear masks at common areas of the hostel.
Students should maintain respiratory hygiene at all times.
Doors should be kept open as much as possible in common areas in hostels.
Minimize the use of lobby/common areas of the hostel. Always wear face masks and practice >1m social distancing if using these areas. Students of a one floor can use the lobby/common areas of that floor only.
Students who have chronic respiratory diseases (e.g. bronchial asthma, COPD) should bring their own inhalers with/without spacers and other medications.
Meals should be taken inside their own rooms.
Only one (1) student is allowed to stay inside one hostel room whenever possible. When this is not feasible maximum two students can share one hostel room. They must not change the rooms at any time.
It is encouraged to keep the windows and inlets for ventilation open as much as possible.
It is recommended that students clean their own rooms in the hostel. Rooms should be kept clean and well ventilated.
Bathrooms of a certain floor should be shared only by the students staying in the same floor.
Do not share any personal items with other students.
Students are advised to have with them a supply of their own personal care and hygiene items.
Students accommodated in the hostels are discouraged from leaving the hostel premises.
Remove the footwear at the entrance to the hostel and change into a dedicated pair of footwear to be worn only inside the hostel.
Visitors will not be allowed to enter the hostel premises.