First Semester End Examinations 2020

First Semester End Examinations 2020

by Administrator (Faculty LMS) -
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First Semester End Examinations 2020

Commencing First Semester End Examinations for the Second Year & Fourth Year

This is to bring to your notice that the Second Year & Fourth Year First Semester End Examination are rescheduled to be held from 17.08.2020 onward. Study leave for students will be granted from 10.08.2020 to 16.08.2020. Therefore, while you are requested prepare accordingly, please note that it is mandatory that you carry the undermentioned documents with you as you return to the university for your respective examinations,

  1. Student ID/ Student Record Book
  2. Quarantine certificate (you may obtain this certificate confirming that you do not suffer from COVID-19 from the Public Health Officer in charge of the area in which you reside. This certificate must be obtained within 03 days prior to you entering university).

Information on other mandatory health and safety measures and guidelines to be adhered to by the student as well as the examination time tables and issuance of examinations admissions will be made available later.


Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce
