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NOTICE (16th June) : for all Students of the FMSC

by LMS Administrator -

To All Students of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce:

Please note that due to the ongoing non-academic trade union action, the faculty is unable to commence the physical refresher sessions on 24th June 2024 as previously planned, as well as the subsequent examinations for Semester I. As a result, the faculty has decided to begin academic activities for the next semester on 1st July 2024, via real-time online lectures. Accordingly, you will receive the timetable for Semester II within the next week.

For fourth-year students who must complete their internship requirements, you are expected to commence your internships in the upcoming semester on or before 1st July 2024. Your respective heads of departments and internship coordinators will provide necessary guidance through Zoom meetings next week in this regard. It is imperative that you attend these meetings to stay on track.

When the trade union action is resolved, the Semester I examinations are expected to be conducted during Semester II, with one week dedicated to refresher sessions for Semester I, followed by one week of study leave. To avoid difficulties you may encounter with the limited time for exam preparation for Semester I, we strongly urge you to use this extended study leave period until 30th June 2024, to prepare thoroughly for your Semester I examinations.

We appreciate your commitment and perseverance during this period. Please make the most of this time to ensure your academic success.

Thank you.

Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce
University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Click here to view the official notice

Notice - Students' Feedback : Semester I (2024)

by LMS Administrator -


The Faculty has decided to obtain students’ feedback on semester I - 2024. Your feedback is essential for us to improve the quality of teaching and learning of the Faculty.

All students are required to fill the feedback form available on the FMSC Student Feedback System ( from 06.05.2024 to 19.05.2024.

Your feedback will be considered confidential and the information provided by you will be used only for quality improvement purposes.

Dean - FMSC

NOTICE (29th May) : for all Students of the FMSC

by LMS Administrator -
To: All Students of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce

To enhance continuous student engagement with academic activities until the physical resumption of lectures at the university, the Faculty will continue to upload lecture recordings and relevant materials on YouTube and the Learning Management System (LMS) to cover the remaining lectures of the current semester within this week and the next. Arrangements will also be made for the completion of assessments within these two weeks. You will receive updates from relevant subject coordinators and lecturers regarding specific subject requirements related to these arrangements.

Following this period, a two-week study leave will be declared, commencing on 9th June 2024, if the trade union action remains unresolved. Kindly note that there will be no lectures or assessments scheduled during the study leave.

After the study leave, a few physical sessions are expected to be organized to refresh students' knowledge and address any subject-related queries, depending on the subject requirements, before examinations commence.

As these arrangements are subject to change with the conclusion of the trade union action, please regularly check the LMS for timely information, which we will update periodically.

Please use this interim period more productively for your academic endeavors.

Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce
University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Click here to view the official notice

NOTICE : for all Students of the FMSC

by LMS Administrator -
To All Students of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce,

To enhance continuous student engagement with academic activities until the physical resumption of lectures at the university, the Faculty has arranged for the uploading of lecture recordings and learning materials on YouTube and LMS, starting today. You will be notified by relevant subject coordinators and lecturers regarding these arrangements. 

Please use this interim period more productively for your academic endeavors.

Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce
University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Click here to view the official notice
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